Hikkaduwa slipper offering the exclusive unique range of design flip flops variety that will Preserve Your Feet at fabulous comfort.
Hikkaduwa slipper is made by soft & long-lasting synthetic rubber insole along with PVC strap using embossed brand logo. Hikkaduwa slipper brand enhance your unique personality by the perfect outfit with better grip.
• Unique Flip Flop Design
• Identical Shape
• Unique Print Design
• Made in Sri Lanka
Once you experience Hikkaduwa monochrome range you will become a unique character among the ring.
TBH – The Brand Hub gives you the style you love.
Exclusive Hikkaduwa vibes slippers, now you can buy online at The Brand Hub. Best place to buy genuine footwear online in Sri Lanka. Island wide delivery available.
Once you experience Hikkaduwa monochrome range you will become a unique character among the ring.
TBH – The Brand Hub gives you the style you love.
Exclusive Hikkaduwa vibes slippers, now you can buy online at The Brand Hub. Best place to buy genuine footwear online in Sri Lanka. Island wide delivery available.