Contact Us

It’s not an easy task to place an order online for the very first time so we have complied few of the most common questions about online shopping through and put them in one space to make it easier for you. Feel free to go run through the frequently asked questions and do contact us if you require any further information.

How can i Pay for my order ?

You can pay via credit card VISA or Master, or you may choose the Cash on Delivery option and get your products delivered to your door step.

Can you ship internationally ?

At preset we do not ship internationally. However, we will be extending our reach to the international market in future!

How long will it take for me to receive my order ?

Delivery will be based on your geographical location. Usual delivery will take up to 2 – 5 days.

What do I do if my order is damaged?

If there is any damage to the product on delivery, kindly contact us via +94 76 649 1404. We will arrange necessary actions to your inquiry based on our exchange policy.

How do I return or exchange my order?

If there is any damage to the product on delivery, kindly contact us via +94 76 649 1404. We will arrange necessary actions to your inquiry based on our exchange policy.

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